Wednesday 5 October 2016

Sence Of Humor

Every body Knows about the word sence of human, 
but a very few people use to of using sence of 
humor, we can say its also a key to sucess when 
we use it at working invoirment. It can be 
understood from both logical and psychological 
Good sense of humor reduces stress, helps you 
cope with pain, creates empathy in social situations, 
and can even improve your odds of finding a mate. 
But what is a “good” sense of humor, and how can 
you improve yours?
Control Eager with humor
Angry people tend to jump to conclusions, however 
far-fetched. If you are in a heated discussion, slow 
down. Listen carefully to what the other person is 
saying. And take your time before answering. 
Instead of saying the first thing that comes into 
your head, think carefully about what you want to 
Humor can help defuse rage in several ways.
For one thing, it can help you get a more balanced 
perspective. When you find yourself thinking of a 
coworker as a single-cell life form, think what that 
would look like, picturing an amoeba sitting at a 
desk and talking on the phone. Or draw a picture. 
Doing so will take the edge off your fury or help 
defuse a tense situation.
Humor can also help when you find yourself being 
unreasonable. If you find yourself thinking that 
things not going your way is an unbearable 
indignity you shouldn’t have to tolerate, picture 
yourself as a god or goddess who always gets your 
way while others defer to you. The more detail you 
add, the more you’ll realize how unreasonable you 
are and how unimportant the things you’re angry 
about really are.
There are two cautions in using humor.
First, don’t try to just “laugh off” your problems. 
Rather, use humor to help yourself face them more 
Second, don’t use harsh, sarcastic humor. Such 
humor is just another form of aggression.
What these techniques have in common is a refusal 
to take yourself too seriously
a-Laugh at others (within reason)
Charlie Chaplin wrote, “The one point of human 
nature that I play upon more than anything else…is 
that it strikes people as funny when they see 
someone else placed in an undignified and 
embarrassing situation.” His insights are as true 
today as they were 2,500 years ago when Plato 
pitched what we now call the “Superiority Theory” 
of humor, which basically explains that laughter is 
an expression of our superiority over an 
embarrassing individual, or even a former state of 
b-Learn to laugh at yourself
If you can find the absurdity in your own 
circumstances, you can keep them from getting you 
down. If you attack your own fears and 
embarrassments by turning them into amusing 
stories that you share, friends will laugh with you 
—and laughter is the best medicine.
Having a good sense of humor reduces stress, 
helps you cope with pain, creates empathy in social 
situations, and can even improve your odds of 
finding a mate. But what is a “good” sense of 
humor, and how can you improve yours?
How you can Improve your sence of humor
The basic principle of humor is that it is unexpected 
in some way.
In jokes, for example, a situation is painted, 
expectation of a result is set up, and then a 
different result produced from from that which is 
We live in real-time and have to make sense of 
everything as it happens.
When we understand, we can predict, and when we 
predict, we can decide on the appropriate actions 
by which we can avoid harm and achieve our needs 
and goals.
a-Surprise and confusion
As a part of this internal system of inference, the 
predictions create expectation, and when these are 
not met, as happens in humor, the result is 
surprise and a temporary confusion while we 
desperately try to make sense of this unexpected 
We predict using models, values and other rules. 
Humor may hence work by breaking such 
expectation-inducing patterns.
b-Delayed understanding
There is hence a delayed understanding as we 
internally search for meaning. This includes 
reviewing different interpretations of what has just 
happened and selecting the option which seems to 
fit best.
The delay can be very short as we quickly make 
sense of what is said. It can also take several 
seconds or even need some verbal explanation. The 
best jokes often have a delay of around a second 
before realization kicks in.
If you’re not particularly funny, you might start off 
as a parrot (“I heard something funny the other 
day…”). Immersing yourself in humor will definitely 
help you parrot away. However, if you want to 
evolve from parroting, don’t just memorize or recite 
jokes. Pay attention to comedians’ timing and 
delivery. Notice their facial expressions and body 
language. You don’t have to replicate it, but you 
should notice it so you can use it in your own jokes.
The humor point
When things make sense after the confusion and 
delay, then we find things funny.
When people have been in danger or are 
threatened by some risk, it is common for them to 
laugh when the threat has passed. This is a form of 
closure, where the tension of the perceived risk is 
The same principle happens with humor, where the 
confusion, which raises the possibility of threat, is 
resolved. This is a kind of relief, where we can relax 
and smile.
b-Safe danger
One of the things we enjoy is ‘safe danger’, where 
we can experience threats that are not really 
threats, for example in the vicarious experience of 
watching contact sports or horror movies. Jokes 
and funny situations act in a similar way as the 
uncertainty creates a sense of danger, yet we know 
we will not be harmed.
One view of the origin of laughter is where a parent 
whizzes a child up and down and the child makes 
smiling breathless ‘huh, huh’ noises as they enjoy 
the thrill of the ‘danger’ in the movement.
Jokes are not so funny when told again, as there is 
no surprise or confusion the second time around.
When we make sense of something that formerly 
did not make sense, we are learning. Young 
children learn through play. Humor can be 
deliberately used as an integral part of education, 
making learning fun again.
d-Creative aha
In another way, this is like creativity, where there 
is a delay between looking for an idea and the aha 
of discovery. The tension of seeking a solution 
prompts the brain to come up with a new idea. The 
closure of the ‘aha’ moment can feel a lot like 
humor and the person may well laugh.
e-Pain and pleasure
Humor also leans on the fundamental principle of 
pain and pleasure. The discomfort of not 
understanding is a form of pain, while the sudden 
realization is a form of pleasure. As these rapidly 
sequence together, the resultant feeling can be a 
strange mingling of both pain and pleasure at the 
same time.
f-Good and bad jokes
Good jokes make use of timing, aligning description 
by the teller with the thinking and understanding 
process of the listener. In this way, the person is 
already trying to make sense of what is said before 
the end of the joke/ The punchline acts as a control 
element when it is necessary and sufficient to 
trigger final understanding.
A bad joke either does not lead to confusion as the 
audience understands it easily, or else it just leaves 
them confused. Bad jokes make people irritatedly 
think ‘hah’ rather than the funny ‘aha’ (or perhaps 
‘haha’) of understanding.
Having a sence of humor at work place
a- Opening up lines of communication. If you can 
get someone to laugh, you can get them to listen.
b- Humor diffuses conflict. If you see a situation 
leading to gridlock, toss out a one liner. It creates a 
lighter mood and people are more willing to reach a 
compromise. Good negotiators are often masters at 
c- Laughter leads to better relationships. Meeting 
someone new? Start with a joke or a shared 
moment of laughter.
d- People learn more, and learn faster, when they 
laugh. That’s why good teachers often employ 
humor as a teaching aid.
e- Getting people to laugh at work reduces 
absenteeism. They’ll want to show up for work if 
you can make them laugh.
Humor isn’t a miracle cure for relationship problems but it can be an important tool to help you overcome the rough spots that afflict every relationship from time to time. Whether your relationship problems stem from issues connected to money, sex, commitment, health, employment, parenting styles, or growing apart, you can use humor to help resolve problems and strengthen relationships.

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